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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Loving, Learning, Laughing

Home Page

Transition to High School

Almost as soon as your child begins Year 6, they will start receiving letters inviting them and their parents to Open Evenings at the local high schools.
It's important to visit the different schools and to complete the relevant forms, registering your preferences.


During the Summer Term the various high Schools will begin their transition programmes which involve staff visiting us and the children spending time at their allocated school.There will also be opportunities for parents to meet high school staff to discuss transition details including uniform, homework, etc.

Our Catholic high school is The McAuley Catholic High School in Doncaster : 

Transition during Covid 19


Due to the current situation, our children have not been not been able to do their usual transition days at their new schools. 


McAuley have updated their website to ensure that all children have access to the information that they require and they have set up a virtual tour of the school as well.  Here as parents, you will find a range of information that will help your child to learn about their new high school. We are part of the McAuley pyramid of schools and we are one of their feeder primaries.


As of yet Retford Oaks have not put much information on their website as of yet but the following is the link to keep an eye on:


Follow the link to Serlby Park Academy information on what transition will look like for our current year six children.
