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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Loving, Learning, Laughing

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Class 1


Class 1 is a mixed Year One and Two class and our class taught by Mr Addlesee.

Our Curriculum

Children move into Key Stage One in the September following their fifth birthday. The transition from the Early Years play based curriculum is carefully managed and planned in order to cater for the needs of all children.


Our classroom continues to provide opportunities for learning through role play and exploration whilst moving towards a more formal structure for learning. Daily phonics continue throughout Key Stage One and there is a specific emphasis on Numeracy and English in the mornings.

Towards the end of the year learning is more formalised. Children continue to study the subjects of the National Curriculum in preparation for their end of Key Stage assessments.

Helpful Information


The expectation across school is that children practice their spellings and phonics alongside their daily reading as homework.


All children are encouraged to read at least four times a week at home. Please try and listen to your child read as much as possible! We are working hard to blend the sounds to read words and to recognise our tricky words. The more we can do, the quicker we will make good progress with this! We also have our phonics screening job in June (Y1 only) so we may send home extra reading and phonics activities to support the children with this. We change books every day providing that they are in school and have a comment or a page number. 

In Class 1, children will receive weekly spellings to learn at home in preparation for their spelling test. Weekly spelling will consist of both common exception words and tricky words. Spellings are accessible through the 'assignment' section of your child’s Edshed account and please use the practice games and sessions linked on Spelling Shed to further support your child. Phonics consolidation can also be found here too. A log-on is provided for your child - please see their planner for this. Those who get 10/10 and those who beat their score from last week will be awarded 2 dojos.


Class rewards, success and reminder messages will be shared via Class Dojo. If you require support in setting this app up, please see a member of the Class One team.

Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics

Parent video: The Phonics Screening Check

Useful Websites


The Oak Academy (Curriculum)


Ed Shed (Phonics/Spelling)


Times Table Rockstars (Maths)


Topmarks (Maths/Curriculum)


Phonics Play (Phonics/Spelling/Reading)


Nina's Engineering Playground


Paint with Bing
