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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Loving, Learning, Laughing

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Boys: grey / black trousers, white shirt or polo shirt, red tie, green jumper or sweatshirt, plain white, grey or black socks


Girls: grey / black trousers or skirts, white blouse or polo shirt, green jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt, plain white, grey or black socks / tights. Green and white checked dress.


All children are expected to wear black school shoes and not trainers. 


P.E. Uniform: plain dark shorts and white T shirt. All children need trainers and a dark plain fleece or sweatshirt as most lessons will be outside. 


 All uniform should be clearly marked with your children’s names.


The only jewellery to be worn is a watch or plain stud earrings. No bracelets, necklaces or rings. On PE  and swimming days, children are to leave all earrings/ watches at home as they will not be allowed to take part in lessons with earrings in. 


For all children: Extreme hair cuts are not allowed in school at any time. For example  stars or stripes shaved into the head or partial or full shaved heads. Children are also not to come to school with dyes of any type.


Children are not allowed to come to school with temporary tattoos,


Hair accessories are to be plain green or white. No large bows permitted.


Uniform with school logo can be purchased from Adsum Services Ltd,

Uniform Price List
