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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Loving, Learning, Laughing

Home Page

Catholic Life

Our Mission Statement


Across the school, the children worked on our mission statement to ensure that it reflected them. St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School offers distinctive education with a caring Christian community where everyone can feel valued, confident and secure.


We believe that each person is gifted, unique and loved by God.


By working in partnership, we create a challenging, stimulating and effective learning environment where Christ is our inspiration.



At Saint Patrick's, our children are at the heart of all that we do as too often we are the only experience of church that they have. We endeavour therefore to show them the love God has for them and this underpins all we do as a school. Liturgy is central to all we are trying to achieve with our children and the opportunities for child led liturgy and worship afford them a variety of opportunities to explore their faith, share experiences and grow in love of self and God. 



Our children's mission statement is :


Loving, Laughing, Learning- we are God's amazing gifts
