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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Loving, Learning, Laughing

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Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages

At St Patrick's Catholic Primary School, we want to ensure that our pupils develop the skills and confidence to consider themselves as 'World Citizens' who belong in a multicultural, mutually respectful world. We aim to support students to understand other countries and cultures so that they can be more open and adaptable to new experiences, ensuring that each topic contains an element of cultural reference.


We are committed to developing strong, lifelong linguistic skills and to encourage pupils to become curious and interested in the world? We want our pupils to have a love of languages, and aim to achieve this by nurturing a linguistic curiosity and an intrinsic motivation to explore and respect other cultures and people.



To begin their language learning, we use some incidental French within the classroom in Key Stage 1 to ignite their curiosity, expose children to Language learning and make sure they have a positive start to Language learning in Year 3. From Year 3 to Year 6 we teach French weekly. We believe this will give the children a fantastic base to start their KS3 and Secondary School Language career on if they are positive and enthusiastic about language learning in KS2.

Modern Foreign Languages - Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
