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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Loving, Learning, Laughing

Home Page

Maths Mastery

Investigating fractions with year 5

Autumn 1 children in class 3 enjoying the new White Rose Maths scheme booklets

25th November 2022 Exploring morse code - cross curricular maths

Exploring angles Year 5


Please see the above for a full and detailed overview of Maths curriculum across our whole school. The class page will act as a gallery of activities children undertake so that their parents can see the level of engagement within our lessons and the enjoyment had by all during our sessions.  Links will also be shared with regard to useful websites to enhance their home learning experiences. 

Year 5 exploring area and perimeter

Year 6 learning all about angles

Learning all about Bidmas / Bodmas

Year Six have been working hard to develop their understanding of a million. In line with our Maths Mastery ethos, we use a range of manipulative to explain our understanding.

Year Five have been studying five digit numbers and can show their knowledge and understanding through the use of Diennes and Place Value charts.
